Dataset: EU HFR NODE Data Catalog/Near Real Time surface current data
Data format: netCDF 4.1.3
Data type: GRID
ID: EUHFR_NRTcurrent
Summary: The data set consists of maps of radial and total velocity of the sea water surface current gathered by the European HFR Network Node established under the coordination of the EuroGOOS HF Radar Task Team. The HFR networks cover wide areas with different spatial and temporal resolutions and have the potential to provide real-time information of the velocity of surface currents and wave parameters. The radar sites are operated according to Quality Assessment procedures, and data are processed for Quality Control and standardized in their format according to the European common data, metadata and QC standard model for HFR current data. Data access tools are compliant to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Climate and Forecast (CF) convention and INSPIRE directive. The use of netCDF format allows an easy implementation of all the open source services developed by UNIDATA.